7 Steps to craft better email subject lines

When you send an email to your subscribers you will likely be competing against other subscriptions in your audiences inbox. You don’t have long to grab their attention before they hit delete so here are some tips for crafting email subject lines with higher open rates.

01. Keep it short

Did you know that 77% of emails are opened on a mobile devices? If your email subject line is too long you risk having it cut off particularly on mobile devices. Optimise it by keeping it short, ideally around 9 words. If you absolutely haaaaave to include lots of words make sure the important ones are first. Only capitalise the first word and remember to keep your tone of voice on brand so you sound like a human not a robot!


02. Use an emoji

Add brand personality to your email subject line by using an emoji. Going overboard on emojis will look tacky and appear like spam. A great time to use emojis are when you are celebrating a milestone like a business birthday or having a sale. Readers love a good offer or discount to a service or product so catch their eye with a fun emoji.


03. Use Action words

View your email subject line like a call to action - after all you are calling them to click to open the email and see what’s inside. Try saying “open this now to see what you missed” instead of “here’s a summary of what you missed.”


04. Use Numbers

Use numbers to keep your email subject line short, actionable and engaging. Try saying “Join 1,500 entrepreneurs at New Biz Now Summit” instead of “The 2021 New Biz Now Summit.” Numbers also help when you are providing your audience with a valuable step by step guide, keep your list relatively short because who wants to read “100 ways to improve your email subject lines”.


05. Create some urgency

If your subscriber has missed or unopened previous emails advertising a product, event etc then creating a sense of urgency might call them to take action before it’s too late! Use phrases like “last chance” or “hurry–save your spot” to create that fomo feeling.

06. Don’t over promise

You know that old phrase under promise, over deliver? Well how many times have you read a subject line only to open the email to be disappointed? This will often end in an unsubcribe so you want to avoid over promising. Be extra careful making claims that quantify potential results unless you can guarantee them. Deliver what you offer in your subject line and throw in a few surprises inside so that next time an email from you arrives in their inbox they remember what great value you delivered last time.


07. Avoid the spam filter

Avoid using words like ‘urgent’ or ‘free’ or anything money related such as multiple ‘$’ signs or promises to ‘get rich fast. Don’t overuse punctuation such such as multiple exclamation marks or ALL CAPS WORDS as this will also appear like spam to inbox filters!!!!! (<jokes)

Bryony Melhuish

Creative brand + web studio for businesses that want to go place.


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